Saving You Money

“Everyone knows that Westminster government has stripped money from local councils over the last ten years” said Lib Dem spokesperson Chris Norman “But here in Barnstaple, Lib Dem councils have found ways to provide better without extra cost to council tax payers”.
At Rock Park, Lib Dem run Barnstaple Town Council have changed the way the park is managed to save taxpayers money. “The park used to be managed by a private company, with taxpayers money going to pay shareholder profits” said Katrina Stevenson “But the Town Council has changed all that. Now the Parks is looked after by the Town, which costs less and leaves money left over to invest in things like resurfacing the paths and providing more benches”
The new Leisure Centre was built without costing council tax payers a penny “The old swimming pool was costing hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to look after” said David Knight. “The council managed to get the new leisure centre built without any public money.”
“We’ve shown that, with less money coming from the government, a Lib Dem council will find new ways to keep our parks and leisure centres open”