Instow By-election: Becky Coombs to stand for Lib Dems

A strong voice for Instow, Tawstock, Westleigh, Lovacott and Newton Tracey
Local Instow resident Becky Coombs is standing for North Devon Liberal Democrats in the Instow By-election on 9th January 2025.
Becky grew up in Devon, and has lived in Instow for the last ten years with her partner Spencer and their dog Burt. She has spent her career working with vulnerable families and children - first in a special needs education school, and now with the homeless and 16-25 year olds who have left the care system.
A hardworking community campaigner, she knows and cares about the local area - she's worked with the Police and Youth Services to tackle anti-social behaviour in the dunes at Instow, and fought to bring better facilities to Sandhills and the Cricket Club.
Standing at short-notice in 2023, Becky came within just 29 votes of defeating the Conservatives, and the upcoming byelection is also expected to be a close-run contest.
North Devon's Lib Dem MP Ian Roome said: “Becky's experience will be hugely important in the day-to-day work of being a Councillor, and if elected, I know she'll do a brilliant job for the residents of Instow ward."
Among her priorities are protecting Instow's waterfront, and making sure residents in the ward's smaller villages are properly represented at North Devon Council.
She’ll be working with County Councillor Frank Biederman, who also endorsed her campaign: “Becky will be a fantastic councillor for our area, and will make sure that she stands up for our villages at North Devon Council.”
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